Review Management for Small Businesses

Owning a small business is rewarding, but keeping up with online comments about your brand is tough. Freshreview is the ultimate growth engine, helping you gather, watch, and show off customer reviews without a glitch.

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Trusted by Businesses Across the World

Gather Your Reviews Seamlessly

Small businesses face a digital landscape full of challenges. Online reviews significantly sway consumer choices. Managing these reviews is tough. Small businesses often struggle with limited resources, finding it hard to monitor and respond to feedback. Encouraging customers to leave reviews is another hurdle. Maintaining a positive online presence is crucial yet challenging. These issues are vital since customer opinions greatly impact a small business's reputation and market success.

Small businesses don't have the luxury of scale to cushion against the unexpected, making every customer experience and review a critical cornerstone of their success.

It's Super Easy to Get New Reviews

Collecting online reviews for your small business can be tricky. But the good news is you're not alone! The reason for this being not having enough tools or not knowing how to encourage happy customers to leave reviews. As a business owner when you choose a solution for getting more reviews here are the top things to consider. 

Mobile first approach to ask for reviews via SMS, Whatsapp and Email.
Customise your requests to suit your brand 
Gather reviews via QR codes and customised Business Funnel page

Keep an Eye on All Your Reviews 

Respond to reviews on Google, Yelp, Facebook or any other review site from a single dashboard. Leverage our AI capability to craft template responses for each review, whether positive or negative. You can customise every reply according to your brand's unique tone and style. Efficiently respond to reviews originating from various review sites all in one place.

Monitor your brand mentions and feedback.
Save time with review response templates for every review. 
Gather insights from reviews and make data-driven decisions. 

Showing Off Reviews? We Make It a Breeze

How you present your online comments matters. Businesses need customer testimonials in key locations to turn a casual browser into a paying customer. With our 3 click widgets it is not challenging to showcase social proof.

Generate widgets with customer reviews in less than 5 minutes customised to your brand.
Deploy microsites, to showcase reviews from all review sites in a single landing page.
Create Social posts with customer reviews and add them to your content calendar

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