Academic Building Inspections integrated Freshreview to Increase Reviews, Reach, and Revenue

Academic Building Inspection improved their overall visibility and became a top ranking Building Inspector

Richie from Academic Building Inspection is an independent home building inspection company, specializing in inspecting both new and existing properties. With a commitment to deliver personalized customer experiences, the company has built strong one-to-one relationships with its clients over the years. With 30 years of experience in the industry, the company offers reliable inspection services for all stages of construction. 

A building inspector in Melbourne ensures that construction projects comply with local building codes and regulations by conducting thorough inspections at various stages, ensuring safety and quality standards are met. They provide critical documentation, reports, and certifications necessary for legal occupancy and assist in resolving any compliance issues.


Business Challenges

Richie faced challenges in gathering a substantial number of reviews, which impacted the businesses online reputation and visibility in search engine results. This reduced opportunities for prospects to discover his services. This also hampered their ability to establish online trust and credibility.


How did Freshreview help?

To overcome these challenges, Richie integrated Freshreview into his existing workflow. As soon as the inspection was completed and the inspection report was sent out. Richie would request for a review using Freshreview. This helped him to streamline the process of gathering and managing customer reviews. Since the review requests landed directly on the customer's phone they were able to leave a review without much effort. 


From Invisible to Visible

Within one month of implementing Freshreview, Richie witnessed experiential growth of his inspection comapny online presence and reputation. He got the same number of reviews in one month which he had gathered over the last five years. This influx of positive feedback boosted the online presence and reputation. A positive outcome was that his building inspection company was now the top ranking in search engine results for relevant keywords.

A pleasant surprise for him was reducing his total advertising costs and yet he managed to secure the same number of appointments. With a consistent stream of positive reviews and increased appointments, the company saw a significant increase in its bottom line. 

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